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Her Majesty’s High Sheriff for Tyne and Wear, Mrs Lorna Moran OBE, flew in to celebrate the achievements of Air Cadets at 2344 (Longbenton) Squadron. Mrs Moran joined the cadets, their families, friends and adult volunteers for their annual awards ceremony. The High Sheriff presented; 31 Duke of Edinburgh Awards, 21 BTEC qualifications (each equivalent to 4 GCSEs,) 9 flying wings, 11 first aid qualifications, 5 paddle sports awards, 3 road marching badges, 25 leadership, 8 cyber and radio qualifications and 4 music accreditations, along with annual trophies. Mrs Moran enjoyed finding out about what the young air cadets do as they told of their activities through a ‘chat show.’ ‘The 2344 Show’ covered the variety of activities enjoyed, such as; flying, aerospace, engineering and electronics, sports, leadership and adventure training; all of which goes towards the numerous internationally recognised qualifications presented. Praising the young people and adult volunteers, Mrs Moran said, “I have had such an enjoyable evening. I had planned a speech to deliver but it does not do the talent displayed this evening justice. “The skills gained from being at the squadron cannot be underestimated; confidence, communication, teamwork, discipline and ambition.” “The young people have severely impressed me with their positive attitudes and this is met by the clear dedication of the volunteer staff and support from home. I thank you all.” Top Cadet, Cameron McDonald, 17 said: “We enjoy so many amazing opportunities at the squadron and we get to travel around the country and world to take part in those activities. “I joined the squadron because a friend wanted to go and I’ve loved every second; gaining skills and knowledge that have helped me at school and will help me as I enter adulthood.” Longbenton Squadron is currently open to new members in Year 8 and above. If you’re up for a challenge then visit the squadron at Regional Commandant North - Air Cadets Royal Air Force Air Cadets 

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